So, I have to remind myself to keep getting up. I am certainly not in extreme circumstances like my friends and family members who are or will be serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I don't know hunger or poverty. So guilt for being whiny actually helps me get my act together and get going.
But I am tired. And whiny. And I really don't like it when it rains constantly. We've been in a drought for the last few years and it seems like the heavens are making up for it all this year.
We even cancelled school for flooding, which really never happens in Atlanta. By the way, our county just announced that we would not be allowed to make that day up and, instead, our pay will be docked.
Decisions like that make it hard to feel loyal to my profession and employer. Maybe it's just a phase in my pregnancy and I'll snap out of it in another week or two. Until then, I will keep getting up. Mostly because it is hard to make sub plans from my house.